Wings Webinar on Non-Towered Operations

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Jon Carleton
Jon Carleton's picture
Wings Webinar on Non-Towered Operations

The FAA updated procedures for Non-Towered Airports in 2018.  This webinar outlines the details.  

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

"All New Non-towered Airport Ops for 2018"

Topic: Just when you thought you had non-towered airport operations down to a science!
On Thursday, June 28, 2018 at 19:00 Eastern Daylight Time (16:00 PDT, 17:00 MDT, 18:00 CDT, 13:00 HST, 15:00 AKDT, 16:00 Arizona, 23:00 GMT)

Select Number:


In March of 2018, the FAA announced significant changes to the way we operate at non-towered airports.  The new procedures call attention to regulatory requirements, recommended operations, and communication procedures.  In this important webinar, we will brief you on traffic patterns, communications phraseology, and flight and ground operations involving aircraft, lighter-than-air aircraft, gliders, parachutes, rotorcraft, and ultralight vehicles.  Although the new procedures primarily address Part 91 operators, this information is extremely valuable to UAS operators and all who operate on or in the vicinity of non-towered airports, and all should attend.

To view further details and registration information for this webinar, click here.

The sponsor for this seminar is: FAASTeam

The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:

Basic Knowledge 3 - 1 Credit
Basic Knowledge 2 - 1 Credit


Jon Carleton
Jon Carleton's picture
Better Late Than Ever.

Lewis called me today and found out some information on the above-captioned event:

It turns out that while the FAASTeam is the listed sponsor for this event, the location holding the event makes a small charge for participation to offset Internet and software costs for live interaction during the event, so it was not entirely free.

It also turns out that all the actual and virtual "seats" for the event filled up right away.  They will record the event digitally, and I am working now on getting a copy for our benefit.


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