There have been many rumors and concerns regarding the future of the Bensen Days Rotorcraft Event since the demise of its traditional host, Sunstate Wing & Rotor Club. Fortunately, George "Jake" Jacob has managed to enlist the support of enough people to put an organization together and run the event. These people include primarily, Scott Lewis, Connie and Ernie Boyette, David Sease and Jon Carleton. This group's current goal is to manage and run Bensen Days 2019. Following the event, the rebirth of a Florida rotorcraft club may be a secondary consideration.
There are several things that are now certain about 2019 Bensen Days:
1. It will be held March 24 - March 28, 2019.
2. There will be a few modest increases in fees for camping and the end of event banquet. These have remained the same for many years and have been due for a bump due to increased costs for a while.
3. Online registration should begin around January 20th +/-. There are a lot of "fiddly bits" that have to be changed regarding bank accounts and business entities that take "unspecified time" to accomplish.
4, The event should run "Business As Usual" once things get going.
5. Volunteers will be needed for many operations of the event. Please consider donating some of your time if you plan to attend.
*****UPDATE!!! Online campsite registration is live as of January 21, 2019