Jake's 582 gyro is STILL AVAILAILABLE

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Wolverine's picture
Jake's 582 gyro is STILL AVAILAILABLE

For some reason I can not open and read this post by Mark. (NetPilot)

How much, etc.??

NetPilot's picture
14K, blades not included.

14K, blades not included.

Standby... I think you should be able to.  Let me see if I can check/adjust your access.

Wolverine's picture
Access denied

 had this problems awhile back when you posted another thread.

must be my dumb luck.

r u getting a tango next?

thankx for looking into it anyway.

Jon Carleton
Jon Carleton's picture
Permission Issue

Apparently, after the hack, Mark's ability to select "Member" on adding new members, rather than "Authenticated user" disappeared.  New users added after the hack could not see items posted in the Member area.  Should be fixed now.

Wolverine's picture
Thankx Jon

Sorry I am always a pain in the ass. lol!

Jon Carleton
Jon Carleton's picture
Pain and Suffering

Alas, the problem was not limited to just a few users.  I am sorry to report that you are not unique.

Wolverine's picture

Still just a Normie after all. No wonder I can't get my gyro done.

Member Admin1
Glad it's fixed and answer to previous question

Thanks Jon for fixing that.

Note:  I actually have never (or extremely rarely, like 1 or 2 times) created a new user.  I typically only correct password issues, etc. and that is extremely rare too I hate to admit. 

Those Members without "Member" setting were either created by someone else, or through the 'account application/request' function... if that still exists.  However, it did seem to coincide with members created 'after the hack.' 

When researching Darrin's issue, I started noticing that a lot of folks had nothing/null where they should have a "Member" or similar setting.  What made it even harder to identify, was that the page layout was off-white lettering on white background (in Chrome) so it was almost invisible until I highlighted everything... anyway... I digress.  Glad it is fixed now.

Darrin - to answer your previous question... actually I am one of those 'dirtbike in the sky' kind of folks and don't have much interest in enclosed, semi-enclosed, or 2 place machines.  At least for now... just not my cup of tea.  Although my wife supports my gyro habit, she has no interest in flying with me on a regular basis.


Wolverine's picture

So if u sell your gyro are u getting another one.

Why sell the one u have now. just curious.

NetPilot's picture
no plans to sell

Hey Darrin... I have no plans to sell.  Will probably keep it from now on.  Sorry if my post made it sound like I was going to.  I just have no interest in a large gyro.

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