Hopefully no more poop from the uninvited. A couple of them got scrambled... sorry.
Tue, 06/30/2020 - 2:54pm
Bye-Bye Birdie
Hopefully no more poop from the uninvited. A couple of them got scrambled... sorry.
LOL! I thought this was going to be a post about you flying the coop.
Hopefully this means that you are going to stay in ATL?? ha ha.
P.S. - I found my old avatar again! Jon will be happy now that ole' Gumby is not raising the rating level of the Forum from 'G' to 'PG.' I'm electrical-socket knife boy Dang-it! Yeah, that's the ticket!
Spitting in the socket and then trying to wipe off that spit before Mom see's it and than WOWWWeee!
LMAO now.....not so much then.